Friday, November 6, 2009

The Tech Table - Label Label Label

Several classes ago, Tom Beyer brought to class three boxes and asked if I would take an inventory of what was in those boxes, and from that, I should know what would be needed for set up that night: I then really and truly learned what a switch was and what a VDA ( or video distribution amp) is, also DVA's come in different flavors ... one has to look at the back to tell what sort of inputs they have.. These small pieces are part of the Tech Table set up - Everything
must be labeled - the cables which are used to connect VDA's to Switches , switches to computers -all the pieces have to be identified- artist tape was used.

VDAS (Video Distributor Amps) - TOTAL - 9

4 TecNec brand - w/4 svideo

2 3X1 Brand? S. video

2 w/audio 2 separate imputs /TecNec

1 (configurable) -

a) 1x 3

b) 1x2 , or 1x6


SWITCHES (Analogue- Passive ) TOTAL- 6

2 grey (MEM) brand svid + RCA

3 Sony brand S.Vid + RCA

1 Radio Shack RCA only



2 Marshals brand

3 Sony brand

3 AC Monitor to Camera Power chords


1) CVG- 4x1 switcher


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