Thursday, November 19, 2009

Blue Streak II - The Anatomy of Talk

OK... so it's create time--
Each of the class members are now envisioning their own Mini "Across The Ether"
A Multimedia Five to Six Minute Moment to be placed within the larger piece called Views from the Bridges.

I have always been very aware of the sound or timbre of peoples voices...hence, talk and it's function in life. Since our theme is "the bridge as a connector", then "talk " itself has a life of it's own within the Big Picture and certainly fits right functions as a bridge between people... although it can be combustible, inefficient, over used...and folks aren't always on the same "page", it still is a treasure trove of connectivity. Talk also has many technical companions; the cell phone being one - not to mention the Pod cast and streaming talk shows. Other new formats such as Twitter, I Chat, and Face Book are here to stay, and it's where your finger tips do the talking.

Here are the steps I need to make to produce my segment:
1) I am inspired to take a song I wrote and produced called "Blue Streak" - which is a pop type song about "talking" - In this track are Ham Radio recorded segments - and they were mixed in with the instrumental tracks. as well as lyrics
that pertain to the subject matter-)

2) Load it into Logic ( and for this I went to work with another musician- we
took sections of the original track and created loops -and made an Mp3file
3) I loaded the Mp3 of Blue Streak II into Garage Band , where I did further editing, then into I Movie. With this , my project had begun.

4) Choosing a new Camera - It's time to have a tool which I can easily carry -and spontaneously capture videos - purchased a Cannon 10Pix SureShot for this and other
upcoming things - took the camera out for a few excursions- attempted to capture random people talking - but it was rather difficult !!

5) I then set up a few appointments with some fellow grad students, friends
film them on their call, having a conversation- I gave them a lot of freedom --

5) Collecting photos and videos to import into I Movie using the Cannon - almost finished with this process./

6) Deciding on Live Script and contacting possible overseas collaborators -
Several People come to mind and I have contacted then via email. I would like them to contribute using the "art form of talk" - A funny phone conversation, read poem... speak of something in a different language, etc.

7) Now ,I need to decide what format of web-based application for instant messaging and voice over internet protocol (VOIP) I will need to accomplish this...and that will depend on the persons involved and their physical location.

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